on 02/06/2001 09:15, Hager Ben-Mahmoud at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I just finished taking a 2 day training class on Perl and would like to
> learn more about the language. Is there a book that you all swear by that
> helped you figure out the impossible?
> Much appreciated.
> Hager

Hi Hager,

I am new to this game as well. Until you find that book - Joel aka Howdy has
kindly pointed me to: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Perl

Look under ..
        Core Perl Documentation

I've seen a lot of this stuff before around the web but this is
comprehensive, very well organised and has a useful/powerful search

Once you know the difference between perltoot and perlboot you'll be well
away! Seriously though, look at the CGI library it's good.

I've noticed a number of titles produced by O'Reilly Books

 Advanced Perl Programming
 CGI Programming with Perl, 2nd edition
 Learning Perl, 2nd edition
 Learning Perl/Tk
 Perl Cookbook
 Perl for System Administration
 Perl in a Nutshell
 Programming Perl, 3rd edition

I can't comment - as I haven't read them.

And finally, don't forget this resource: http://www.perl.com/pub

All the best, Mark.

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