Actually, I've used make for all sorts of stuff without a C compiler.  It's
amazing what you can automate.  Actually, I've even used it as the backbone
for a QnD (Quick'n'Dirty) system security monitoring package before.  I've
also used it for automated publication of web pages based on changes to
database or document files.  That technique saved us a lot of overhead
compared to dynamic, real-time CGI page generation.

I suspected it needed a compiler, though (despite the fact that I don't see
any .c or .o files in the directories).  I tried to go to PPM, but it keeps
telling me the page is unavailable.

I'm still interested in a make utility, though.  I used to have a source
code version of one (mostly in PC assembler), but it vanished during one of
my moves.  I hate when the vagaries of meatspace intrude upon my
consciousness ;)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett W. McCoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:51 AM
> To: Kris Cook
> Subject: Re: DBI
> On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Kris Cook wrote:
> > I'd like to try using the DBI interface for database 
> access, but when I
> > downloaded it from ActiveState, I fount that I had to have 
> a make utility to
> > get it installed.  Does anyone know of a free make 
> distribution for Win32
> > environments?  It HAS to come in a compiled version, 
> because right now I
> > don't have a C or C++ compiler, and for various reasons I 
> can't install one
> > at this time.
> You should use the PPM utility that comes with ActiveState to 
> get binary
> versions of the module.  'make' won't be of much use to you 
> without a C
> compiler anyway, because that it what it is used for!
> -- Brett
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------

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