On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Kris Cook wrote:

> I'm curious.  Why, when the ODBC functionality is distributed with
> ActiveState's Perl, do all examples I see in this group use DBI?  The
> application I'm working on uses an Access database, and I can't find Access
> drivers for DBD, so DBI is useless to me, along with every example using it.
> I'd LOVE to use DBI - placeholders in SQL alone are enough reason to switch
> - but it doesn't appear to be an option.  It's very frustrating.

Most people use DBI for several reasons -- it's portable across other
operating systems, for one thing, and DBI is more developed than the
Win32::ODBC module, for things like placeholders.  If you want to use
Access with DBI, use the DBD::ODBC driver with the DBI.

-- Brett
Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.
                -- Wm. Shakespeare

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