Have you not tried DBD-ODBC?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Kris Cook"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Jun 18 08:30:16 PDT 2001
Subject: database

>I'm curious.  Why, when the ODBC functionality is distributed with
>ActiveState's Perl, do all examples I see in this group use DBI?  The
>application I'm working on uses an Access database, and I can't find Access
>drivers for DBD, so DBI is useless to me, along with every example using it.
>I'd LOVE to use DBI - placeholders in SQL alone are enough reason to switch
>- but it doesn't appear to be an option.  It's very frustrating.
>And no, the database isn't, at least right now, an option - it's a customer
>thing, y'know.
>Kristopher Cook (mailto:\\[EMAIL PROTECTED])
>e-Commerce Director
>Galyan's Trading Company
>(317) 532-0200 x239
>(317) 532-0258 (fax)

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