On Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 05:44 , Todd Wade wrote:

> "Drieux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Besides I still feel squishy about the fact that
>> I can run perl modules as 644 - which just seems
>> unNatural to moi....
oh I 'get' the notions of why the 'magic cookie' - now known
as 'shebang' to to masses - exist in interpreted languages...
and that the 'use/require' structure is merely 'sourcing' in
a stack of 'functions/globals' - and my complements for reminding
folks why this is the voodoo it is - I just get nervous about it.

> the program. But.... this has nothing to do with perl. or cgi.

perl modules and the shebang has nothing to do with perl or cgi.

{ thwack, thwack, thwack..... 8-)!!! }

>> CONUS i figure the basic notion of 'ask enough dumb questions
>> who knows you may learn something.' So cut the cat some slack.
> Hey Im a newbie too, Ive just been doing this a little longer (probably 
> not
> even a little longer... just a little better) than most people asking
> questions in here. I didnt say it was a dumb question. Ive asked myself 
> the
> same questions also. Note MYSELF.

patience and persistence.... I on the other hand can call them
'dumb questions' - I know I ask some of them... and were I 'smart'
I should would be able to follow the documentation 'as provided'....

>  Because they didnt learn anything, they just copied your
> answer and pasted it into the program.

'combined arms tactics' - If you step back and watch the normal
play, one set of players have their fingers on the 'POD' - and
provide the general 'cover' for the rest of us typing fast and

But you do have a good point on the general problem of how to
get folks to step aside and think about the problem, do the
analysis, step aside for a moment, play a little code on the edge...

I have put together some webPages of my own to keep track of where
I have learned what -


including a section on benchmarking - which helps 'solve' some of
the why and wherefore of this or that piece of syntactical sugah....

> I do my homework, so should everyone else. When I answer a poster's
> question, I imagine what response would give me the most benefit. Trucking
> through the days posts and dumping the solutions is not going to teach
> anyone anything. My proof? perl.beginners and perl.beginners.cgi is a 
> place
> where its pc to ask frequently asked questions. Over and over.

once folks really learn about

        perldoc perl

and how to follow that....

and then how do do their queries at the CPAN, et al, unless
they are around it for the general 'help the next guy' they
no longer plan to be around *begin* lists.

But this is also the place where we can start to help beginners
learn to learn effectively - to eschew the follies of the whole
'perl golf' mentality, et al.

> Its too bad I get flamed for suggesting the poster figure it out 
> theirself.
> It goes to show how many people "want the answer" as opposed to actually
> learning how to answer the question.

One round long, one round short - fire again ...

I flamed you for missing the obvious. But then again, I have the
luxury of having house broken college boys into officers.... so
I have watched the process of "gee, shouldn't there be a faq for this"
in more complex ways..... But for some reason they keep minting
those 90 day wonders.... The big laugh of course was the giggle we
had when the 'butt of our jokes' were "BS - comp sci" kids fresh
out of college blithely naive.....

> As far as the topic in the subject, it is not a perl issue. When you want 
> to
> write in a file or execute a program, the permissions you choose have
> nothing to do with the language you choose or if you are executing code 
> in a
> CGI environment, so no, the topic is totally irrelevant to the issue.

but if my cgi file is up in the $CGIBIN as a 644 file - it will
not work ....

> If I am wrong here, how 'bout letting me know in straightforward english.
>  I
> am not here to play cards.

relax.... bid fold or call....



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