> Scot, et al --
> ...and then Scot Robnett said...
> % 
> % I don't personally share the 'HTML e-mail is evil'
> philosophy. And even if
> ... <snip> ...
> (if, in fact, he hasn't solved this already;
> Camilo's email
> intimated that he had, which means we're pursuing
> the ultimate beating of
> a dead horse here :-)

  If I may be allowed to beat the poor dead horse a
little more, and at the risk of reviving this thread,
but playing devil's advocate because, after all, this
*is* a beginners' list:

  Why is HTML mail evil? (If you believe it is.)

  Because it can be so easily hacked? That's a big
reason, but are there others I don't know about?

  I can imagine average Joe User saying "But of
*course* I want to be able to format my email with 10
different font faces, sizes, and colors. Plain text is
for geeks."

  Is maybe Rich Text Format the real answer?

- John

"Now it's over, I'm dead, and I haven't done anything that I want; or, I'm still 
alive, and there's nothing I want to do." - They Might Be Giants, http://www.tmbg.com

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