Well, I confess that I sometimes use POD directives to
write a long comment (more than about 1/2 dozen
lines). My rationale is that I haven't really learned
POD very well yet, and so far I haven't released any
of this code publically. When I do, I intend to
revisit the code and make a better distinction between
what is properly POD doc'n and what is just code

Meantime, I do think it's a pain to write multiple
paragraph comments as lines beginning with '#'. It's a
little easier with a good editor that has column mode.
You set it to wrap text, write the paragraph(s), then
turn off wrap, column-select the beginning column of
every line, type '# ', and presto, they all start with
'# '. Of course if you want to change something, you
have to take them all out again (column select and
delete) and re-do the process, including re-wrapping
the paragraphs. A multi-line comment would still be
easier. (But I guess I missed the public comment
period for Perl 6, didn't I? I wonder if anyone raised
this suggestion?)

- John

--- Scot Robnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What you are doing is not commenting; you're
> creating POD documentation. To
> comment out lines in Perl, use the # character.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> print "Hello, world! \n";
> # This is a comment where you
> # can write about what you're
> # doing in a particular block
> # so other programmers won't
> # be confused by your code.

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