--- Felix Geerinckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on Mon, 10 Jun 2002 17:37:46 GMT, John Brooking
> wrote:
> > [...]
> > If it's something about the internals that only
> > the developer needs to know, such as more
> explanation
> > of a particularly gnarly algorithm, then it
> needn't
> > and probably shouldn't be POD. Don't confuse your
> > audience with things they don't need to know.
> But then you could always use
>     =for those_interested_in_the_nifty_algorithm
>     Explanation of the nifty algorithm
>     =cut
>     # rest of code
> which will never show up in a pod2something
> translation.
> I tend to use this only to (temporary) comment out
> large chunks of code 
> though. For 'real' comments, I always use #.
> -- 
> felix

Hey! The Camel book (am I right in assuming that is
the Perl community's nickname for O'Reilly's
"Programming Perl"?) says that "comment", when used as
a translator keyword following "=for", is by
convention ignored by all translators. So in my mind,
"=for comment" would be a Safe and Acceptable way to
begin a multiple line comment that you don't want your
public to see.

Or, if you are commenting only for yourself or other
future developers, you could use something like "=for
developers", and write a translator that responds to
that word. But maybe not, because a "translator" by
definition translates to a particular output format,
whereas this "translator" is named not for the output
format it creates but for the POD sections it selects.
So it kind of gets away from the intended purpose.
Maybe the standard POD syntax ought to have an
"audience" directive, and include a command line flag
on perldoc to indicate what audiences to include.
(Drat, second time today I've regretted missing the
Perl 6 comment period!)

- John

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