I still can't get it to work even with those changes.

Quoting Bob Showalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kyle Babich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:09 PM
> > Subject: Displaying Problems
> > 
> > 
> > For the following the syntax is correct but when I try to open it 
> > nothing displays, what should I change?
> There are some errors. The following patch shows what I had
> to change to make it run:
> 3c3
> < use CGI::Pretty qw/ :standard /;
> ---
> > use CGI::Pretty qw/ :standard tbody /;
> 60c60
> <       -bordercolor => "\#000000"
> ---
> >       -bordercolor => "\#000000",
> 67c67
> <    Font({
> ---
> >    font({
> > 
> > #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
> > use strict;
> > use CGI::Pretty qw/ :standard /;
> > $CGI::POST_MAX = 512 * 1024;
> > 
> > print header ( "text/html" );
> > 
> > my $date = localtime;
> > 
> > my $c = param('c');
> > my $content = "c";
> > 
> > if ($c eq "h") {
> >    $content = qq{\n};
> > } elsif ($c eq "eh") {
> >    $content = qq{\n};
> > } elsif ($c eq "hd") {
> >    $content = qq{\n};
> > } elsif ($c eq "p") {
> >    $content = qq{\n};
> > } elsif ($c eq "c") {
> >    $content = qq{\n};
> > } elsif ($c eq "su") {
> >    $content = qq{\n};
> > }
> > 
> > my @nav = ("Home","E-Mail Hosting","Help 
> > Desk","Policies","Contact","Signup");
> > 
> > my @loc = 
> > ("index.cgi?c=h","index.cgi?c=eh","index.cgi?c=hd","index.cgi?
> > c=p",
> >        "index.cgi?c=c","index.cgi?c=su");
> > 
> > print start_html(
> >       -title => "IMAP.cc E-Mail Hosting",
> >        -head  => Link( 
> >        { 
> >            -rel => "stylesheet",
> >            -type => "text/css",
> >            -href => "style.css"
> >        }
> >        ),
> >    ),
> >    body( -bgcolor => "\#FFFFFF" ),
> >    table({
> >            -width => "95\%",
> >            -cellspacing => "0",
> >            -cellpadding => "0",
> >            -border => "1",
> >            -bordercolor => "\#000000"},
> >    tbody(
> >     Tr(
> >     td( {-width => "100\%"},
> >    table({
> >     -width => "100\%",
> >     -cellspacing => "0",
> >     -cellpadding => "1",
> >     -border => "1",
> >     -bordercolor => "\#000000"
> >     -align => "center"},
> >    tbody(
> >     Tr(
> >     td( {-width => "100\%",
> >     -bgcolor => "\#000000",
> >     -align => "center"},
> >    Font({
> >     -face => "Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman",
> >     -size => "4",
> >     -color => "\#FFFFFF"},
> >     "IMAP.cc"
> >     )
> >     ),),),),),),),),
> > end_html

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