Two great replies to my query

Just to add to the thread, any -name=>'value' pair set in a hash ref
as the first argument to a CGI object's html generating methods will be 
translated into tag attributes and values.

[trwww@devel_rh trwww]$ perl -MCGI -e '$q=new CGI; print(
right;",-foo=>"bar"}, "Hello world"), "\n");'

<div class="divClass" width="75%" foo="bar" style="align: right;">Hello 

Todd W.
Janek also replied with
$q->p({-style => 'color: red; font-size: 24pt'},
      "some line of text");

and both refered me to

perldoc CGI

where is that? I am a beginner. On a Mac. With a home page serviced by a
remote ISP. No Linux contact.

Todd is using the 'class='divClass' attribute in his line which is
standard for a bare html page calling a css sheet, but where is the
class being called from in this case? (My html work uses css sheets
called from the local folder - not embeded css)
(And to give you all a good laugh - baud rates of 200bits to 2.4K)

Now - does that mean I can describe a :-

$css_class1 = ('some standard css descriptor text);

and then use it as the opening object in the $q->p(. . .)  statement?

I suppose doing a 


will let me dump a complete page with css inside . .  BUT there must be
a cleaner way!?

Thank you for the responses folks - they are stored


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