Dear Zentara:

Now I am in linux again,
I did /usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ > mytestout.jpg
then at netscape 7 's url type /home/fsshl/mytestout.jpg

it showed
The image "file:///home/fsshl/mytestout.jpg" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors


some body in perl-app mailing list told me they have a code did success broadcast by Mac OSX perl 5.6.0 (ugh)

as show photo on other's site without download or any bottom click's hyperlink, but it now is so common, my site's counting banner is one example, a lots lists in ebay aution-computer product aution bidding P4
are another example , otherwise they can not have so flexible graphic page design just rely on 6 photo upload in ebay.

regard Eric-drop me a note if you can discover how to

Sorry, but it's hard to say what exactly your problem is, especially
because I don't use windows and don't know the peculiarities of
your windows apache server.
My suggestion is to work thru it step by step, until you
see where the problem is.
The first step is to get your script to output the image to
it's STDOUT. In other words, you should be able to do
" > mytestout.jpg" and you should get
a good photo out.
Then you want to put it in your cgi-bin and try to
see where apache is messing up outputting the
photo. It usually ends up being something very simple,
which you are overlooking.

Sincere Eric
linux pc for sale

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