On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 14:07:03 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Lin)

>   Now I am in linux again,
>I did /usr/bin/perl  /usr/lib/cgi-bin/showphoto.pl > mytestout.jpg
>then at netscape 7 's url type /home/fsshl/mytestout.jpg
>it showed
>The image "file:///home/fsshl/mytestout.jpg" cannot be displayed, 
>because it contains errors

Make sure your showphoto.pl script is not outputting an html header.
Can you look at mytestout.jpg with somethong else like "xv".
Look at mytestout.jpg with a hex editor and see what the first few lines
are. Are they a valid jpeg header? Compare it to other known good jpegs
you have.
Your showphoto.pl script should be able to read in a image and then
print it out without corrupting it. Post your showphoto.pl that you are

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