On Sunday, Jun 8, 2003, at 10:15 US/Pacific, Greenhalgh David wrote: [..]
You guys are going to have to send me invoices at this rate!

That does indeed help. What I decided to do (and then confirmed when I read these posts) was instead of trying to call a frame from the original script, print a new frame set with the vertical nav being a cgi with the necessary "personalising" stuff passed in the URL and the main frame being the default CGI that shows up when nothing else interesting is happening. This at least works in all my test browsers which is more than can be said for the -target method in CGI.pm which defeats Safari.

you will still need to deal with 'targets' so you will need to know when you want


since you are repainting all of the window,
and when you want


so that something clicked in the vertical navigation
will show up in the MainBody Section...

Spoke too soon. I'm back to an older problem now. The site I'm doing is bilingual in English and Japanese. Since I haven't figured out how to output Japanese from the CGI I had made a work around by generating all the forms in plain old html, so generating everything from within CGI doesn't work :S

what about the strategy of


and then using that as a KEY for whether the person
wants the 'content' to be presented in english, japanese,
or some off planet tongue...

Remember that the stuff between between the html tags, eg


can be pulled in from anywhere, and the basic framework
of the html stuff remains consistent...

As you will have noted from the other day on the
'submit' button idea, I did leave the door open
to use utf-256 encoded stringiePoo for the 'name'
to be used on a submit button....



see the box,
crawl out of it.

Flying is merely throwing one's self at the planet
and missing...

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