"Richard Heintze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Both Microsoft (with ASP.NET) and Apache (with stuts
> and java custom tag library) have recognized the
> perils of embedding UI code (browser code  like HTML
> and Javascript) inside backend/database code (SQL,
> perl, Java, C# etc...)

There is a super slick module called Class::PhraseBook for getting the SQL
out of your application logic. Also, I always put javascript in its own file
and refrence it from the html document.

> Is there anyway seperate the UI layer from the back
> end layer when programming cgi perl?

Here is what the MVC for one of my projects looks like:


This is only a part of it, but so you can get the idea...

First, I put this in my httpd.conf:

<Files ~ "\.xml$">
    SetHandler              perl-script
    PerlInitHandler         Enote::Debug::StartRequest
    PerlHeaderParserHandler Enote::HeaderSessionManager
    PerlHandler             Enote::XMLHandler
    PerlCleanupHandler      Enote::Debug::EndRequest

As a mod_perl developer, you should understand what it means. Next, The
controller is implemented as a SAX chain, placed in the handler() function
in a package named Enote::XMLHandler, that looks like this:

  my($machine) = Pipeline(
    'XML::Filter::BufferText' =>
    'Enote::SAXFilter::Language' =>
    'Enote::SAXFilter::ParameterInfo' =>
    'Enote::SAXFilter::AddStyleSheetURI' =>
    Enote::SiteConfig::getSAXHandlers( $r ) =>
    'XML::Filter::SAX2toSAX1' =>

Pipeline() is a function provided by XML::SAX::Machines to help facilitate
building dynamic SAX streams. Notice the function call as the 5th element in
the chain.

Enote::SiteConfig::getSAXHandlers() looks like this:

sub getSAXHandlers {
  my($r) = shift();
  Enote::Debug::log( 1 ); my( @handlers );
  my($pack) = 'Enote::SAXHandler::' . Enote::Format::chToPackage();
  my($modPath) = 'Enote/SAXHandler' . Enote::Format::chReqFileExt($r->uri(),

  if ( defined( $INC{ $modPath } ) ) {
    Enote::Debug::log(2, "pushing $pack onto SAX handlers" );
    push( @handlers, $pack );

  Enote::Debug::log(2, 'no sax handlers for: ' . $r->uri() ) unless (
@handlers );
  Enote::Debug::log( 5 );
  return( @handlers );

What this does is see if there is a module that has been loaded that
corresponds to the file requested. The xml documents and modules are related
by file path and name (minus the extention). If the function finds a module
that corresponds to the requested docuement, that means there is request
specific code that needs to insert data into the resulting XML document.

The code above is only for the UI logic. Kind of like the the "code behind"
concept in ASP.NET

To collect user input, all web forms/data are submitted a single URI. The
code that is executed behind this URI dispatches the data to a SOAP web
service, does its interaction with the database, and then the dispatcher
does an internal redirect for the next view for the user and sends the
markup to the client.

Some of the clients do not use this dispatcher, interacting with the web
service directly. For example, one interface uses IE as an application
platform instead of a document viewer and accesses the MS SOAP toolkit with
javascript in the browser. The objects in the toolkit use the DOM to extract
information from the view (perhaps the text in a HTML text field). These
objects then call methods or access properties of parallel objects living in
the HTTP web service process.

software like openwave's UP.Browser dosent have a SOAP api, do I had to make
the dispatcher.

Unfortunately, thats only a portion of how the whole thing works.

But if you understand how XML::SAX::Machines is used above, you are half way
to getting your content seperated from its display.


Todd W.

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