On Monday, Jul 28, 2003, at 12:24 US/Pacific, Todd W. wrote: [..]
Remember, I am of the "this AND that" philosophy, so you can walk, run, dirt
bike, or staddle two bandwagons at the same time if you like, and, as long
as you get where you are going, I will agree that it was done correctly.

The challenge as we all understand is
how to 'understand the actual technology'
whether perl, php, java, <newBuzzHere> and
how to glue the correct ones together...

Especially given the 'evolution' of XHTML,
et al, and the chances that the 'new buzzWidgetWingDingDingFoo'
will actually be implemented in 'the browser'....

I actually did note the

Also, I hope youre reading, as qoted that,
 "I WOULDN'T like to call it the
canonical perl MVC pattern..."

but well, you know, it wouldn't make a good rant
if one were too constrained by the mere facts.....

I shall also have to peek at the AxKit - eg:



and again, of course, the usual problem of

        what is suppose to be on the server-side
                as opposed to what is suppose to be on the client-side

and how do we go about solving those sorts of things.

As well as whether or not we can provide

        "The "Semantic Web" is coming to a browser near you
        (real  soon now ;-). One of the biggest academic concerns
        about the web is the lack of semantic content."

and this in an article dated March 13, 2002....

{ would this be the wrong time to talk about '64-bit
architectures' - and whether or not one should be
planning on getting that new cool CPU with the fully
implemented 64-bit kernel.... }

Or would that be in the same space as why we must
all abandon perl5 because perl6 is the hot wave???



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