--- drieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ovid,
> I love the smell of 'primate-ism' ....
> It could be merely the way that you are presenting the
> problem - and a desire to defend an anachronistic model
> of MVC, based upon the underlying 'primate-ism', and
> the scary thought of 'recursion' in conceptual models
> that might mean sticking the primate in a chair, and
> leaving the heavy lifting to sentient life forms.

Hi drieux,

Clearly I need to read my email more frequently.  It looks like there was a bit of a
miscommunication and in rereading what I originally wrote, I think the problem lies in 
my assuming
too much background information and, as a result, not explaining as much as I should 
have.  I've
been bitten by that before and I can only apologize and offer the following 

The only point that I was intending to make was that the MVC model that people discuss 
had it's
roots in the MVC model as described by the GoF (Gang of Four -- the "Design Patterns" 
authors) and
if people are learning about MVC from the discussion on this list, it is probably a 
good thing
that they know a bit of the history of said pattern rather than assume that it was 
coughed up from
the void fully formed in the way that it's being discussed on this list.

I am not saying that the GoF presented the only correct view of how MVC should work 
(in fact, I
object to a common interpretation that DP can only be used for OO languages).  
However, the
original point of Design Patterns (the architectural ones preceeding the programmatic 
ones) was to
give people a common vocabulary so they can discuss a situation and know what each 
other is
talking about.

I'm sure plenty of us have had conversations where we say "foo", the other person says 
"foo", but
the conversation goes nowhere.  That's quite often due to each person having a 
conceptual idea of what "foo" is.  If the people on this list are handed a version of 
MVC for the
Web and have no idea of the history and origins of said pattern, then someone who only 
knows it
from the GoF description is going to have a very confused conversation with someone 
who doesn't
know the GoF description.  No either description is necessarily good or bad, but they 
significantly different implementations and that's an important difference.  
Considering that
another name for the MVC pattern is the "Observer" and that the term "Observer" 
doesn't make much
sense when using the Web, I think that's important to know.

In other words, if everyone starts using similar terms, they should have similar 
meanings or at
least know where their definitions differ.  That's all I meant.

Sorry for the confusion.


Silence is Evil            http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/philosophy/indexdecency.htm
Ovid                       http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=17000
Web Programming with Perl  http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/

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