"Drieux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> So you will forgive me if I do not opt to jump onto the
> new band wagon that 'all developers' should wax their
> surfBoards, because <foo> is the Next Big Wave that will
> solve all problems end to end, as I will counter, your
> counter to my counter below...

Remember, I am of the "this AND that" philosophy, so you can walk, run, dirt
bike, or staddle two bandwagons at the same time if you like, and, as long
as you get where you are going, I will agree that it was done correctly.

> { not that I am being merely contrarian... }

you? nah!!! =0)

> [..]
> >> p4: given that hacking in perl does not require MVC as
> >> a design pattern, but one can learn the hard way to support it....
> >
> > We have AxKit, but I wouldnt like to call it the canonical perl
> I so love the fact that slowly but surely the One True Perl Orthodoxy
> is finally being able to create the canonical perl <yourPhraseHere>.
> <insertThingiePooHere>

I meant canonical as in "the ususal way one accomplishes something" rather
than "the perl god's doctrine on how to accomplish something" As we perlers
know, when we ask the gods how to do something, they start uttering, as if
in tounges, "timtoady!", something we perl diciples understand as, "theres
more than one way to do it."

Also, I hope youre reading, as qoted that, "I WOULDN'T like to call it the
canonical perl MVC pattern..."

> > MVC pattern. Most familiar with it probably would though.
> > ASP.NET has MVC with its "code behind" concept.
> >
> > Im not aware of any other MVC based platforms right off.

Todd W

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