On Monday, Aug 11, 2003, at 14:50 US/Pacific, Randal L. Schwartz wrote: [..]
It all depends on the way you configure your server.

nice general write up.

But am I missing something here? I thought a part
of the reason that there is the

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi


Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI


DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.html index.html.var

directives in Apache, and similar ones in others,
that will allow things that are 'suffixed' with the 'cgi'
tag to be handled as executables. And that the whole point
of laying out the CGI 'way' - as noted at:


was to specify how Common Gateway Interfaces would work
between the server and the 'cgi code' - hence leaving it
up to the coder to create executable code in what ever
language that they preferred. In our case, in perl.

Thus 'executable code' would need to be executable to
be 'executable code'.... a bit tautological, but, well,
sort of required by the definition...

In the Unix Enivronment, a way of designating that a piece
of code is 'executable' is by setting the execute bit on
the inode for the code. Which is a bit lame if the code
is merely 'text' such as Foo.pm and Bar.html or Baz.php
that really needs something else to make them 'go'....

ciao drieux


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