On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 at 15:36, drieux opined:

drieux - since no one has responded, i'll take a stab at some of the 
issues you bring up.

d:One of my first question is - why the 'closure' eg:
d:      package FOO;
d:      ....
d:Or is that simply to make 'clear' that outside of
d:the Closure it is still package 'main'???

from 'programming perl, 3rd edition', page 260:

closure gives us a way to set values used in a subroutine when you define 
it, not just when you call it

so while i can see a reason for using closure like this:

  my %REQ_PARAMS = {
    action1 => { # some specifications for action1 },
    action2 => { # some specifications for action2 },

  sub req_params {
    return $REQ_PARAMS{shift->action};

i'm not sure what the benefit of putting the whole damn package inside a 
closure is.  perhaps someone else can provide a reason or example of its 

d:Which leads me to my second set of question,
d:      as a general habit I tend to make 'private-ish' methods
d:      with the "_" prefix such as
d:              sub _some_private_method { .... }
d:is there some 'general access' mechanism by which one can
d:ask for the LIST of all methods that an 'object' CanDo???

not that i know of.

d:Or should one have a 'register_of_parser_methods' approach
d:that one can query?

i would guess most people probably list the available (public) methods in
the pod documentation.

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