On Thursday, Sep 11, 2003, at 12:17 US/Pacific, fliptop wrote: [..]
the way i do it is to assign an action to each form.  each action has
associated parameters.  the form sends the action in an <input
type="hidden"> tag.

oh yes, in this case the 'trigger' I use in say

<input type="hidden" name="callForm" value="doDaemon">

This way we do not have to have 'one cgi script' per action.
My general strategy is to just pass along the HASH of
the query string and leave them up to the subs to sort out
which they need, which they use, yada-yada.

d:My traditional trick is of the form
d:      my $qs = make_hash_of_query_string($request);
d:      my $actions = {....}; # the hash of subs

oh, sorry, maybe if I broke that out

        my $action = {
                doDaemon   => \&doDameon,
                showDaemon => \&show_daemon,
                kickDaemon => \&doDameon,

It would be more obvious that my idea is to KNOW that
a given 'callForm' value returned from the browser is
associated with a given method that would deal with
the rest of the pack up some HTML and ship it back.
The 'kickDaemon' variant in there is when I have already
worked out that it would be a possible 'callForm' value
that can be passed to this CGI, from some other piece
of code, and that the difference between what kickDaemon()
and doDaemon() do ultimately was so negligible that I just
put a 'flag foo' into the later and consolidated code...

d: my $callForm = $qs->{'callForm'} || 'main_display'; # get the callForm
d: my $page = (defined($action->{'callForm'}) ? # is it defined
d: $action->{'callForm'}->($qs) :
d: main_display($qs);
d:Which of course requires me to maintain the Hash of $actions
  my %REQ_PARAMS = (
    action1 => { # criteria for action 1 },
    action2 => { # criteria for action 2 },


That was what I was trying to mostly avoid. The idea of
the 'should()' would take me along the line

        my $page = ($obj->should($action->{'callForm'})) ?
                                $obj->${$action->{'callForm'}}($qs) :

hence the should look like

        my $REQ_PARM = {
                doDaemon => 1,
        sub should { defined($REQ_PARAMS->{$_[0]}); }
        sub doDaemon {
        sub kickDaemon { $me=shift; $me->doDaemon(@_); }
        # the synonym trick...

Which still gives me a HASH to manage, plus the actual Sub.



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