I recently installed RH 9.0 on my machine with pre-configured Apache and Perl.

I made a simple script "HELLO WORLD" to check the Perl and it gave me a continuous 
error for "500 Internal Server Error" and "Premature End of Script Headers".

I double checked the perl path, permissions, httpd.conf etc, everything looks fine, 
ran the script in terminal (perl -wc)  and it produced desired output, verified the 
syntax is ok and there is no problem with this 3 line script, but in the browser it 
again failed to run.

I thought another way of testing it, Using LAN (and samba) I copied a simple script 
from my Windows machine to Apache and ran that script and amazingly it ran without any 
problem (both in terminal and mozilla)

So, what I have assumed that there must be some problem with scripts that I am writing 
in the Linux environment. I am using text editor of Linux (gedit) for saving the 
scripts. I am at a loss now as what I am doing wrong. The simple scripts like 'Hello 
world' written in gedit failed to run (in browser only) but a bit complex script 
imported from Windows XP is runing smoothly?????

Do I need to change the text editor for Linux, if yes, what are the recommendations?

Thanks for any input.


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