Thanks, you did good with this code for me. I did not want to load more
library as most suggested. This works just fine with only one exception. I
needed to use the -t option. Here is the revised version which worked for

use strict;
use warnings;

my $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'
my $empemail='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $inquirer='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';

open (MAIL, "|$mailprog") || die "Can't open mailprog.\n";
print MAIL "To: $empemail\n";
print MAIL "Reply-To: $inquirer\n";
print MAIL "From: $inquirer\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Inquiry Response Request\n\n";
print MAIL <<"PrintTag";
Please respond to the following inquiry:
blah blah blah, message here

--end code--

> $mailprog = '/your/sendmail/path'
> open (MAIL, "|$mailprog") || die "Can't open mailprog.\n";
> print MAIL "To: $empemail\n";
> print MAIL "Reply-To: $inquirer\n";
> print MAIL "From: $inquirer\n";
> print MAIL "Subject: Inquiry Response Request\n\n";
> print MAIL <<"PrintTag";
> Please respond to the following inquiry:
> blah blah blah, message here
> PrintTag
> close(MAIL);
> At 07:14 PM 10/3/2003, you wrote:
>>I need to send a mail from the cgi. It must be able to have a reply or
>>sender as someone different from the local web owner (apache). My
>>  redhat 9/qmail/vpopmail
>>  The example below will be typically what I want:
>>Subject: "hello support test"
>>this is a test
>>with all your support
>>I see alot of parts but can't get it working.
>>can someone put a little script together that does this?
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