I understand what you are saying but I would have to include the path, the
@INC thing, to the "use WhateverTheHeckICallTheModule qw(emailx);".

This would affect command line and mod_perl. If I put the
WhateverTheHeckICallTheModule in the current dir, it works fine for the
command line. For mod_perl, I would need to put it in a startup script or
something which I have read but not sure how to do it.

I just rather not bother at this time unless you can give me an example of
how to add the path to @INC and do I need to define the @INC in each file?

Also, if you know how to include it for the mod_perl.


>> Thanks, you did good with this code for me. I did not want to
>> load more library as most suggested. This works just fine
> Why not? One simple use statement and you're done. Platform independent,
> No relying on an external program to be at the path you specify, use the
> switches you specify,
> Or use the data in the format you specify.
> I love Mail::Sender and I'm actually in the middle of a module that
> simplifies even using that (if you can imagine),
> Once done it will look like this:
> #/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use WhateverTheHeckICallTheModule qw(emailx);
> emailx({
>       ip => '',
>       to => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>       fr => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>       sb => 'Inquiry Response Request',
>       ms => $emailmessagehere
> }) or die "No sendy mial $Error";
> You can even make it html and add attachment inline or attached with one
> simple hash entry.
>       ht => $htmlversionhere,
>       at => ...
> Much easier to read and you can use it on any server. There's even a
> way to ammke the smtp ip address automaytic so you don'tr have to put
> a different one in each script, via the Mail::Sender default data.
> For those interested kepp watching here:
> http://search.cpan.org/~dmuey/
> DMuey
>> with only one exception. I needed to use the -t option. Here
>> is the revised version which worked for
>> me:
>> #/usr/bin/perl
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> my $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'
>> my $empemail='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>> my $inquirer='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>> open (MAIL, "|$mailprog") || die "Can't open mailprog.\n";
>> print MAIL "To: $empemail\n"; print MAIL "Reply-To:
>> $inquirer\n"; print MAIL "From: $inquirer\n"; print MAIL
>> "Subject: Inquiry Response Request\n\n"; print MAIL
>> <<"PrintTag"; Please respond to the following inquiry: blah
>> blah blah, message here PrintTag close(MAIL);
>> --end code--
>> > $mailprog = '/your/sendmail/path'
>> >
>> > #EMAIL
>> > open (MAIL, "|$mailprog") || die "Can't open mailprog.\n";
>> print MAIL
>> > "To: $empemail\n"; print MAIL "Reply-To: $inquirer\n";
>> > print MAIL "From: $inquirer\n";
>> > print MAIL "Subject: Inquiry Response Request\n\n";
>> > print MAIL <<"PrintTag";
>> > Please respond to the following inquiry:
>> > blah blah blah, message here
>> > PrintTag
>> > close(MAIL);
>> >
>> >
>> > At 07:14 PM 10/3/2003, you wrote:
>> >>I need to send a mail from the cgi. It must be able to have
>> a reply or
>> >>sender as someone different from the local web owner (apache). My
>> >>configuration:
>> >>  redhat 9/qmail/vpopmail
>> >>
>> >>  The example below will be typically what I want:
>> >>
>> >>Subject: "hello support test"
>> >>this is a test
>> >>with all your support
>> >>
>> >>I see alot of parts but can't get it working.
>> >>can someone put a little script together that does this?
>> >>
>> >>thanks,
>> >>-rkl
>> >>
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