> > What resources are you concerned about?  It appears most of CGI.pm is
> > autoloaded at first usage, which should help matters of CPU and memory
> > usage. 
> Maybe this is just my inexperience showing here, but I was under the 
> impression that when you attached a module (i.e. use CGI.pm), it was 
> compiled with the rest of your script.  If this is incorrect?

And this is where my inexperience shows :-), as I haven't done much with
AutoLoading yet.... but a couple of notes:

perldoc perlsub "AutoLoading" has a good summary and in part states:

"Many "AUTOLOAD" routines load in a definition for the requested
subroutine using eval(), then execute that subroutine using a special
form of goto() that erases the stack frame of the "AUTOLOAD" routine
without a trace."

Which is I believe the beast that CGI uses for *many* of its subs.

And from perldoc AutoLoader, we see (among other juicy bits):

"The AutoLoader module works with the AutoSplit module and the "__END__"
token to defer the loading of some subroutines until they are used
rather than loading them all at once."

So some parts (read: the more common ones) are loaded during compile
time for the module, many of the subroutines that aren't used everywhere
CGI.pm would be useful are delayed until runtime... at least that is my
understanding, maybe one of the gurus will jump in if I have botched
some of this...

> > You might also have a look at CGI::Lite
> yes, this is the alternative that I am currently using.  It is a nice 
> little module.  Very simply.

There you have it.


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