> I suspect that ".eml" is a recognized extension that is supposed to have
> some specific format, maybe IE thinks it is in the XML class because of
> the 'ml'. This is usually handled by the mime-type listing in the
> browser, and possibly on the server end which determines the
> content-type header based on extension when the response chain isn't CGI
> based.  Out of curiousity why not just use '.txt' since e-mail is in
> plain text anyways?

I have finished making the program to save the files with the .txt
extension, but then I need to change the extension after downloading them,
because if I press enter on a .eml file in Windows, it is opened in an
Outlook Express Window where all the To: From: Date: Subject: fields are
nice arranged and I can read the message easily.

I have also tried to put some garbage in an .eml file to see if this can
fool Internet Explorer, but it doesn't want to work this way either.

I guess that IE recognizes that extension and it is made to ignore those
files... who knows.


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