On Fri, 14 May 2004 09:25:27 +0100
David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 14 May 2004, at 08:33, Werner wrote:
> > I've got a form that makes use of the GET method to provide the cgi 
> > script with details. My problem is that you can see all of the
> > fields  being posted. i.e.
> >
> > /people.cgi? 
> > surname=TestSurname&forename=TestName&location=TestLocation&phone=T
> > estP honeNumber&search=+Search+
> >
> > is there any way that I make sure these details are not seen or to
> > be  encrypted in some way?
> Well, you could use POST (not that that makes it impossible for the  
> user to see the data, it just doesn't encode it in the URL). This
> would  break the ability of the user to bookmark the results page (and
> post is  explicitly for http requests which change something on the
> server) so  that wouldn't be a good idea.
> You could also use client side scripting (ha ha) to run the data  
> through some encoding algorithm, then reverse it in the Perl. This  
> would break the moment someone tried to use it without client side  
> scripting enabled, so it also a bad idea.
> I can't think why you would want to hide this information; the user  
> has, presumably, typed it into a search form and thus already knows
> it!
> --
> David Dorward
>       <http://dorward.me.uk/>
> <http://blog.dorward.me.uk/>

better yet:
use SSL (I mean the apache module) or any other secure data transport


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