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Chris Welch wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Chris Welch wrote:
I have a dilemma, I am processing CGI forms and I need to come
up with a regex that will accept HTML entities (i.e., " or

Your description makes me fear that you are somewhat off track. *Why* would you need such a regex?

If you explain more about the context, it would be easier to

Basically I am going to turn some funny characters into HTML entities using the aforementioned HTML::Entities so I can display them in a HTML page. I therefore need to accept them, but also the other chars.

I can understand that you want to validate the other ("funny") characters, but I don't understand why your validation regex would need to include HTML entities. Isn't HTML encoding something *you* do, before display but after validation?

As far as I am aware HTML::Entities will only turn characters into
their HTML entity equivalent and vice versa, depending on the
function used, correct?


Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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