On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 00:43:44 +0200, Gunnar Hjalmarsson
> Chris Welch wrote:
> > I have a form and someone submits weird stuff that probably
> > shouldn't be in there (but you never know.)  This has to be writted
> > to a DBM database/ filehandle.
> >
> > The weird stuff needs to be displayed in a HTML page when the DB
> > entry or file is read, however, to ensure that it is not malicious
> > I want to change it into an entity that's not going to do anyone
> > any harm, so I use HTML::Entities.
> So, the purpose with encoding "stuff" is to prevent that it causes bad
> things when displayed as HTML. Is that correct?
> In that case, the critical characters to encode are '<' and '>', but
> normally you also encode '&' and '"' (and maybe "'").
> > However, if there are things in there that HTML::Entities *can't*
> > convert (doesn't it only deal with characters that have a named
> > entity like &amp; rather than ones that just have numbered
> > entities?) then I want to throw an error.
> What HTML::Entities is able to convert depends on which version you
> are using, among other things.
> But are you saying that you want to try to HTML encode every single
> character for security reasons before display? Personally I have never
> heard of such a need. Sure, people may submit odd characters that may
> not become properly rendered, but then we are no longer talking about
> security, are we?
> > Hence my list of acceptable characters *plus* entities being
> > allowed.
> Then I think I understand what you mean. At the same time I believe
> that what you want to do isn't necessary.
> In my world, you can either store the raw "stuff" in the DBM file, and
> encode the HTML critical characters each time you read it for display,
> or you can encode the HTML critical characters before storing "stuff",
> so that the stored data come (partially) HTML encoded and ready for
> display whenever you read it.
> Let me know if you think I have misunderstood anything.

You're going to regret saying that :)

But I thought the deal with writing to external files and such
(remember some things will be written to flat files as well as DBM
files) is that it is a security issue if no checking is done for
malicious script - surely if I convert these characters to entities
then it solves both the security issue AND the displaying in a web
page issue?  That being the case, surely it would be safer to convert
things to entities on the off chance of something being a bit dodgy...

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