: Hi CGIers!
: I have small question about putting variables into CGI
: script, which produces table, here is snip of code:
: use CGI qw(:standard);
: #...
: open FH, items.txt or die "Can't open $!";
: my @items = sort <FH>;
: print table(
:         {-border=>undef},
:         caption('Choose your favourite brand:'),
:         Tr({-align=>CENTER,-valign=>TOP},),

    That doesn't look right. Are CENTER and TOP constants?
If not, you don't have warnings turned on.

:         td($items[0], $items[1], $items[2]),
:         td($items[3], $items[4], $items[5])
:         );
: #...
: But how to do that inside while loop? Can I use
: table() function, or I have to print it (like
: without CGI module)?

    I don't understand the question. What while loop?
What would it be looping over?


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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