Hello all,

I have named index.html a file that in fact is a perl cgi program and I have
put it in the directory /cgi-bin/

It works fine if I access it using an URL like:


The problem is that I want to access that program using:


But it gives me the 403 Access denied error.

I have put Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI indexes for
that directory but it still doesn't choose automaticly the file index.html
from that directory.

I have tested but it doesn't choose even if I use another extension (like
.cgi) and if I set it to be a DirectoryIndex in httpd.conf.
Do you know if a certain file (like index.html) can be automaticly chosen by
the web server if rezides in a ScriptAlias directory (like /cgi-bin/)?

Or, are there any other secure solutions for what I want to do?

Thank you.


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