On Sun, 12 Sep 2004, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> I have named index.html a file that in fact is a perl cgi program and I have
> put it in the directory /cgi-bin/
> It works fine if I access it using an URL like:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/index.html
> The problem is that I want to access that program using:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/
> But it gives me the 403 Access denied error.

Right -- I don't know that that's possible. 

If you're okay with having scripts execute from any directory based on 
file extension, then you can do something like this:

 * for the directory you want scripts to execute in, find the right 
   "<Directory ...>" section, and in that the "Options ..." line. Add 
   ExecCGI to this line. (In a typical httpd.conf, the first Directory 
   line is for the base of your filesystem, and has very restrictive 
   access; the second Directory directive is the base of your web 
   document tree -- adding ExecCGI here is probably what you want.)

 * Find the DirectoryIndex line(s), and add a new extension for your CGI 
   scripts: "DirectoryIndex index.html index.pl index.cgi" etc

Make these changes, then test & re-start Apache:

    $ sudo apachectl configtest && sudo apachectl restart

Then try putting a CGI script in your regular document tree -- not the 
one that is used for cgi-bin, the one with all your html, images, etc -- 
and see if it executes the same way it did in the cgi-bin directory. if 
so, then try setting the name to index.pl, and see if you urls such as




end up being the same thing. They should be, but test it.


Chris Devers

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