
Thanks for the reply.  To answer your questions, they will be presenting the
same information to all users, but to pre-build will result in about 200,000
files (all on the order of 10-20KB, png [they include text]).  Storage isn't
really an issue, I don't think, but just felt more elegant to compute on the


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Devers
To: Davis, Sean (NIH/NHGRI)
Sent: 9/13/2004 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Several images from same cgi script

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Sean Davis wrote:

> I have a cgi-script that needs to generate a batch of images and 
> insert them into the HTML.  
Do the images tend to be unique for each user, or will the script end up

generating the same image for multiple visitors? 

If everyone is getting unique images, then your best bet may be some 
kind of caching mechanism.

If the same image tends to go out to multiple users, then there can 
probably be a lot to be gained by stashing those images (as long as the 
storage doesn't get unweildy) and then having the script attempt to 
serve a pre-prepared image before reverting to making a new one. (This 
amounts to caching again, but in a smarter way than the other case, 
where it may be easier to just put Squid in front of your server...)

Make sense?

Chris Devers

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