On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, hcohen2 wrote:

> [...] "CGI Programming 101: Programming Perl for the WWW" and is a 2004 
> publication.  The first 6 chapters are on line, so I can get some idea 
> of the book's value by going through those chapters. 

...and the URL for that is... ?

Here? <http://www.cgi101.com/book/>

> However, there is a reader's review of the first edition that seems to 
> ring true and, moreover, is not complimentary.

...and the URL for that is... ?

Here? <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0966942604>

> That reader maintains the first 40 pages are good, but due to the 
> choice of using the CGI package only modestly devalues the contents.  
> The other four reviewers were much more taken with this book.

Well, I'm not sure about that -- there's not really anything wrong with 
using the CGI module for CGI scripts, and indeed there's a lot to be 
said for letting it do as much of the heavy lifting as possible. 

You may want to look at the _Official Guide to Programming with CGI.pm_, 
which was written by Lincoln Stein -- the author of CGI.pm itself:


The book is, if nothing else, definitive. 

If you really want to get into things though, CGI really isn't the best 
way to go. Sites developed with mod_perl can be much faster, can handle 
much more traffic, and you have a lot more control over what happens -- 
you can, in fact, control just about everything Apache does. 

Learning mod_perl can be much more daunting than CGI -- hence the 
continuing popularity of CGI over mod_perl for new learners -- but in 
the long run it would be much more useful to understand mod_perl.

Among the books that explain mod_perl (and Apache) are:

  * _Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C_ ("the eagle book")
    Several chapters are available online

  * _Practical mod_perl_
    Chapter 6, "Coding with mod_perl in Mind", is online

  * _mod_perl Developer's Cookbook_
    Several chapters are available online

  * The mod_perl guide -- an online reference
    <http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/> (main guide)
    <http://bulknews.net/lib/mod_perl_guide/help.html> (supplements)

These give a decent overview of the documentation available. If you 
really want to learn this stuff well, mod_perl is the way to go.


Chris Devers

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