David Dorward wrote:
On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 08:32:47AM +0200, MNibble wrote:

Thx both of you. But i realy think there musst be a possibilty. I have two javascript funktions which i try to get rid of.

This started off as a simple case of populating two frames in response
to one user action (at least as far as I understood it). Now you've
introduced a stack of other elements into the equation, all of which
appear to be possible solutions to a larger, undefined problem.

If you specified what the actual problem you are trying to solve is,
you might get some advice that is more relevent to your situation. As
it is, we can only try to answer the questions you ask. (And the
answers you've recieved are good ones in the context of the question).

The first is this link which fills to frames

There are two ways to do this.

1. Linking to a new <frameset> document
2. JavaScript

In most cases the better solution to the problem is eliminating the
frames and sending the user a single combined document.

( i would also fork into two processes with a redirect ... maybe
that's gonna work )

One request returns one HTTP resource, that's how the web works. You
can't return one document, then return another document a little while
later, the client won't be expecting it.

and a time delay .. something like: if you are not in 30 sek then

It would be up to the browser to determine if they are "in" or not,
and that would require JavaScript. I've no idea why you would want
that functionality though. It sounds like a band-aid solution to more
serious underlying problem.

I didn't said that the answers where bad, or a least i didn't want to sound that way ( english is not my mother tongue, so may be i didn't reply 100% as i ment it).

You were right about the redirect ... i didn't know it before, but after i tried i got: to many redirects.

The time delay, well yes there is a problem, but i can't fix that on, so this needs to be my workaround. There a lot a data that needs to be processed, and i didn't want the user to wait for that page, so i put a side befor the output and give the data some time to settle.

I know that the question was a open on, but the answers were everything i aspected, so i guess the question was OK, still not perfect.

Thanks for your time

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