On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 02:29:15PM +0200, MNibble wrote:
> The time delay, well yes there is a problem, but i can't fix that on, so 
> this needs to be my workaround. There a lot a data that needs to be 
> processed, and i didn't want the user to wait for that page, so i put a 
> side befor the output and give the data some time to settle.

The trick here is that when a request comes in:

* Generate a unique ID for the job

* Fork it off into the background (or store the details in a database
  and let a continuing background process handle it)

* Return to the user a page explaining that the process will take some
  time and give them a link (including the job id) to check to see if
  it is ready yet. Idealy you will provide some time estimate on the
  issue. You can also use JavaScript or a meta refresh to periodically
  poll the server without user intervention. This should be in
  addition to the link as JavaScript is optional, and meta refresh
  isn't standardised.

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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