Thanks, I'll see if I'm able to use that information.

Rene Schickbauer pisze:
Paweł Prędki wrote:

I will look into the HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI and your framework but I'm not sure I'm knowledgeable enough to deal with that :) I mean I don't really get the idea of a phps being only proxies. At the moment a sample php file where I include my own cgi script looks like this:

HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI is rather simple, really. You could basically put in your CGI scripts with a few simple modifications.

Maplat is based on that module, too. Although it has more a bunch more features, it still shares the same simple-to-use principles, except you most likely use the included Template Toolkit module to render the pages.

However, there are also a lot of files where there is much more php code and no perl code as well as small panels written in pure perl :) How would the distinction of what serves which pages work?

The perl scripts are in a separate directory, so you could use mod_rewrite or similar.

You can also use a single PHP script to proxy multiple perl pages, if you use links like that:



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