Mike Stussie writes ..

>Jason... thanks for responding... let me clear up a couple of things
>and perhaps you can provide further guidance.
>The email broke the record into 2 lines, each record is actually only
>one line of which the only field that concerns me is the email address.
>Here are the record examples again (shortened for demo purposes)
>FILE' 'A' - 
>PLWP4::Joe User::1 Main St::Anytown::MO::[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>FILE' B' - 
>XY3G4::Susie User::1 Main St::Anytown::MO::[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>The purpose is to add file 'B' to file 'A' but if the email address
>from file 'B' already exists in file 'A' do not add it but print out
>the record containing the duplicate email address.
>Thank you for any further guidance that can be provided.

I mean seriously Mike ! .. are you telling me that you can't take what I've
already given you so far and make the three changes needed to conform to
your new data and printing requirements ??

I really can't keep rewriting this code to suit you .. this is a help group
- not a free coding centre

  jason king

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