Hi Adam,

Are you talking about doing:

sub foo {
        my $arg1 = 1;
        my $arg2 = 2;
        my ($one, $two) = bar($arg1, $arg2);
        print qq{$one and $two};

sub bar {
        my $arg1 = shift;
        my $arg2 = shift;

        return ++$arg1, ++$arg2;

On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 11:58:06AM -0400, Adam Theo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spew-ed 
> hello, all. i just signed onto this list, and i have to say *wow, it's active!*. 
>just got my first digest version, and it has over 1,400 lines in it!
> well, anyway, while i hope to be able to help out and give advice and answers to 
>many people on this list, i have a question of my own right now.
> i am making a perl program (using Tk for a GUI), and it makes frequent use of my() 
>and many subroutines. up till now, i've just been having the program work by passing 
>scalarref's from one my'ed sub to the next using &this_sub(\$ref1, \$ref2);, etc.
> but, now that i'm near the end of completing this program, i have found a spot where 
>i will basically need to do the opposite. i will need to have one subroutine that 
>generates the values formerly passed along as arguments to the many other subs, and 
>now have these many other subs be bale to calkl this new subroutine, and get *back* 
>info, instead of just sending it.
> so, in short, any way i can get a subroutine to send *back* arguments to the piece 
>of code that called it? all of this will be within the same program, i just am hoping 
>there is a way to do this.
> thanks all.
> -- 
>    /\    --- Adam Theo ---
>   //\\   Theoretic Solutions (www.Theoretic.com)
>  /____\     Software, Politics, and Advocacy
> /--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
>    ||    jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
>    ||  "Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
>    ||     and you were a pair of brown shoes?"

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