Hello jamie,

Tuesday, June 26, 2001, FIEDRICH,JAMIE (HP-USA,ex1) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FJHUe> Printable text is a good start.
FJHUe>   Suggestions on how to remove the null
FJHUe> characters would be appreciated.
sub conv_unicode2str              #12.02.00 3:42
my ( $value ) = ( @_ );
my $null      = chr(0);
$value        =~ s/$null//g;

return $value;

} ##conv_unicode2str

open FH, "c:\\temp\\test.reg";
binmode FH, ":raw";
my @reg = <FH>;
close FH;

for( my $i=0; $i<=$#reg; $i++ )
print conv_unicode2str($reg[$i]);

FJHUe>   Ultimately, I would also like to be able
FJHUe> to modify the file as well.
depends... if you work with international character sets, you
need module with full unicode support (i can not find working one :( ).
if not, you can write str2unicode converter simply as above.

Best wishes,
 Maxim                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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