:Suggestions on how to remove the null
 :characters would be appreciated.

I simply ran a..
.. and that seemed to do Good Things.

Removing all the \0's gave me 
 [ A L I A S   M O D U L E ]

 :As you read this, please don't assume that
 :I have any clue as to what I'm doing ;^)

tr/// is the transliteration operator.  Put whatever you want tr/here//, and
what you want to replace it with tr//here/.
   (type 'perldoc perlop' at the command line for further details).  

while (<FH>) {
  tr/\0//; #replace \0 with nothing

        This is new territory for me, too.  I'm afraid I don't know a whole
lot about Unicode (never had to deal with it before), so I'll have to bow
out and hope someone else picks up the baton.  I'll be learning too.

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