Jenda Krynicky wrote:
From: "Chas. Owens" <>
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 13:38, Gunnar Hjalmarsson <> wrote:
Fully qualified names do not trip strict.  Which is a reason to avoid
using them.  I once work at a place that wrote Perl 5 as if it were
still Perl 4.  They had turned on strict because they had heard it was
the right thing to do, but their response to it failing their scripts
was to move to using only fully qualified variables.
A few years ago I made that same mistake in a rather large Perl program, and
I believe that my mistake was caused by the fact that that was just what
Perl requested me to do.

$ perl -Mstrict -e'$var=""'
Global symbol "$var" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

The wording of that error message isn't very well thought out. :(

I believe the standard response is "patches are welcome." <grin>

Are they? The number of open or "new" bugs at makes me fear something else.

( I did submit a bug report a few weeks ago: )

Well, the first thing the message says is that the "$var" is a global symbol. That's the first thing you should be thinking about. Do I want the variable to be global? OK, if I wanted it to be global I would add the explicit package, but I do not want it to be global. What do I do?

That's easy to say when you know the difference. At the time I did not. I just wanted to turn on strict in order to prepare the program for mod_perl.

The message wording may well mislead beginners IMNSHO. At least those who are not 'smarter' than me. ;-)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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