Agnello George wrote:

 but last one year i am trying to learn this language but dont seem
to get a hold of it . sometimes i fell shell-scripting a is a lot more
better and easier .. but my aim is to learn perl scripting ... i mean how
does one get a real hold of this language ... !!

As mentioned above, the book "Learning Perl" should get you started.

But don't try to learn all the language at once. After you get a basic grip on on variables, loop and conditionals, start coding right away. Start simple, and then go read some more and improve your skills.

Perl doesn't require you to understand everything, just pick what you need an like and do your stuff. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Everything else is just a matter of excercise (e.g. the more you code, the more you learn).

If it eases your burden: I, too, was overwhelmed at first by all the features of Perl. But i kept writing scripts and applications and one day i suddenly realised that i was quite good at it. Don't get me wrong, after 6 or 7 years of Perl coding, i still sometimes get the "What the hell?!? WHY does this work? Never seen THAT before..." moments when i read someone else's code. ;-)

#!/usr/bin/perl #99BoB (C)2004 cavac:prg count drink vessel place act1 act2
@a...@argv;$c=$a[0]||99;$b=" ".($a[2]||"bottles")." of ".($a[1]||"beer");$w=" ".
($a[3]||"on the wall").",";do{print"$c$b$w\n$c$b,\n".($a[4]||"take one down").
", ".($a[5]||"pass it around").",\n".--$c."$b$w\n\n";}while($c);print"END!\n";

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