raphael() wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I stop File::Find to go below current dir? i.e. no recursion.
> Although I can use glob or <*> to get file names in current dir.
> But I wanted to know if File::Find has a maxdepth limit like linux "find".
> The script I created uses a switch which decides if recursion is allowed or
> not.
> It uses the system find like this..
> open(FIND, "find -maxdepth $recursive |" );
> I wanted to remove this dependency on system find. Is it possible with
> File::Find?
> I tried this after googling
> http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=676958
> sub wanted
> {
>     if ( -d ) { # should I write this as -d $File::Find::name

# No, this is shorthand for:
    if( -d $_ ){

>           $File::Find::prune = 1;
>           return;
>     }
>     print $File::Find::name . "\n";
> }

And didn't it work?  The if statement works on all directories.  This
means that all directories except the top-level one will not be searched.

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