On Monday 27 Dec 2010 22:24:45 Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
> Hello,
> I visited the page, and bookmarked it. It's funny, it's like you're
> describing almost the exact process I'm going through..
> About the programming part, I'm in Control/Feedback Systems, but I think
> that every person has something to benefit from learning to program..
> I used to be very into it, and then abandonned it for many years ... And
> now I'm back at it..
> I recently switched to Ubuntu, coming from Windows/Dos [I'm 23, and been
> using it for about 19 years]..
> Contrary to what most people fear when switching OS and the "I'll be
> lost" and the "I'll have to learn it all over again"..  Well, it's not
> my experience at all. Sure I'll have to learn, a lot .. But I kind of
> like it, and I personnally like the Scortched Earth approach, where you
> jump in both feet, no previous contact with different OS or something..
> It's a matter of character.
> What amazes me, is that, it's like it  "assumes" you want to write code
> and develop stuff .. It's like it's the default thing, you just write
> "python" or "perl" in the Terminal, and it says it's not installed and
> "proposes" to download it.. It was just waiting for you.. Like it was
> meant to be. I love it !

That's a feature of the Ubuntu command-line configuration, and is not specific 
to typing "perl" or "python". Any uninstalled command you'll type on the 
Ubuntu command-line will yield this prompt.


        Shlomi Fish

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