On Mar 5, 2011 1:54 AM, "Ramprasad Prasad" <ramprasad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a web form where people sign up for updates by filling in their
> address
> A lot of users end up not receiving the confirmation mailer because of
> in the email id
> Like yhaoo.com or hotmaill.com
> I would like to prompt the user for a possible typo , like the google "Did
> you mean this ? "
> What is the best module I can use for suggestion
I think you have two decent options here. The technical - name the fields
sensibly (ie, 'email') and hope for a browser side auto generate / auto

Psychological - step back and think about how you fill out forms and when
you've been able to notice and fix errors. I generally hit ctrl+a ctrl+c
after filling out an email field, so if I typo'd, that little confirm isn't
going to do anything. Now, one idea might be an ajax'y capcha with the email
address at the very bottom. I hate capchas but I'd probably be able to pick
out my email correctly in one and I might have replaced my clipboard by
then. So if the text from the capcha doesn't match the earlier email field,

Now, the other part is the psychology on your end. What the hell is the
point of maintaining an email database that you're afraid people have
entered spam bot triggering emails into? You're either going to end up
sending to it eventually or you're asking your users (and us) to give you
information (or figure a way to get you correct information) for no good
reason (and possibly bad / nefarious reasons).

I'd also wait on collecting the email until you know you've got something
they want. If this is for password rests, try getting their phone number and
carrier name and using the carrier's email to sms gateway.

... as I said, this seems to be more social than technical.

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