Now, the other part is the psychology on your end. What the hell is the

> point of maintaining an email database that you're afraid people have
> entered spam bot triggering emails into? You're either going to end up
> sending to it eventually or you're asking your users (and us) to give you
> information (or figure a way to get you correct information) for no good
> reason (and possibly bad / nefarious reasons).
> I'd also wait on collecting the email until you know you've got something
> they want. If this is for password rests, try getting their phone number
> and
> carrier name and using the carrier's email to sms gateway.
> ... as I said, this seems to be more social than technical.

I dont want to change the "Flow" of the system. If the current systems uses
mail for communication I dont think it will be reasonable for me to change
the system to use SMS , just because email-ids can be typo-ed

I think this is what I will do

1) Create a hash of aliases for frequently used domains and their typos
For eg => =>

when I get the email id  with these typos , I will prompt the user for
correction  , If accepted then thats fine


n <>

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