Thank you very much, I will take a look a both wxPerl and Perl/Tk. The
application is very simple just read a file of paired values for example X :
Y and then show them to the user cha nge the Y value and then save all
changes to the same file.

Thank you very much for your time and every single comment.

2011/9/28 Octavian Rasnita <>

> From: "Alan Haggai Alavi" <>
>  On 09/28/11 16:29, Francisco Rivas wrote:
>>> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to
>>> write
>>> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI
>>> library
>>> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I
>>> would
>>> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
>>> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a
>>> very
>>> nice day.
>> Hello, Francisco,
>> Padre, the Perl IDE, uses wxPerl and is under active development. The
>> latest Wx was released on 06th of June 2011. I recommend it.
>> Regards,
>> Alan Haggai Alavi.
> WxPerl++
> Octavian

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