without using CGI.pm how can i collect the values of a multiselect element?
say for e.g.:
< select name="hobbies" id="hobbies" multiple>
<option>Reading Books</option>
<option>Writing Stories</option>
<option>Collecting Coins</option>
<option>Cross Stitching</option>
<option>Playing Cricket</option>
< /select>
when the form is submitted, i have to get the selected values in an array. how 
can i do that?
*if you are curious, (as per my understanding) even though CGI.pm would make it 
easy to get values out of parameters passed to the script by the web form. I 
would still have to do validation of values passed seperately. so why should i 
use a big module just to collect form data? i am using TT to display the 
form/HTML and javascript to validate input.

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