On 10 Sep 2012 13:44:20 -0000
Peter Scott <pe...@psdt.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 20:52:41 +0800, andrew sison wrote:
> > I don't get how you can actually print the contents of the subhash.
> Generic hash-of-hashes iteration example:
> for my $outer_key ( keys %hash )
> {
>   print "Outer key: $outer_key:\n";
>   for my $inner_key ( sort keys %{ $hash{$outer_key} } )
>   {
>     print "\t$inner_key: $hash{$outer_key}{$inner_key}\n";
>   }
> }

You can also use Data::Dumper.

        use Data::Dumper;
        print Dumper \%hash;

See `perldoc Data::Dumper` for details.

Data::Dumper is a standard module that is included in all Perl
installations. For a complete list of standard modules and pragmatics,
see `perldoc perlmodlib`.

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

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as it is about coding.

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