Hello Manpreet

Firstly, let me openly state that I have vested interests in this topic as
the owner of Geekuni (https://geekuni.com/) a company providing online
hands-on Perl courses. (That is, I don't claim to be objective! ;)

Although 'Learning Perl' and 'Intermediate Perl' are very well written,
their most recent editions are 2011 and 2012 which is somewhat out of date
as Perl has been jumping forward in leaps and bounds over the last 5
years.  That said, Perl is backward compatible and the majority of good
programming practices have not changed. The full set of resources I refer
to in my training I've pasted below.

The main things which are not in 'Learning Perl' but are in 'Intermediate
Perl' are:
- using references;
- building modules;
- unit testing

I regard these as essential - even when you're just writing scripts (which
is why I cover them in my Perl Essentials course.)

I hope that's helpful,


[BP1] Simon Cozens, Beginning Perl (1st edition), Wrox, 2000.

[BP2] Curtis "Ovid" Poe, Beginning Perl (1st edition), Wiley/Wrox, 2012.

[MP] chromatic, Modern Perl, Onyx Neon Press 2011

[LP] Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy and Tom Phoenix, Learning Perl (6th
Edition), O'Reilly Media, June 2011

[IP] Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy and Tom Phoenix, Intermediate Perl
(2nd Edition), O'Reilly Media, July 2012

[EPP] Joseph N. Hall, Joshua A. McAdams, brian d foy, Effective Perl
Programming (Second Edition) 2010, Pearson Education.

[PM] Perl Maven http://perlmaven.com/
IRC Channels

   - Perl.org
      - channel: perl-help
      - network: http://www.irc.perl.org/
   - Open and Free Technology Community
      - channel: perl
      - network: http://www.oftc.net/
   - Freenode
      - channel: perl
      - network: http://freenode.net/

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Manpreet Singh <manpreet....@gmail.com>

> Hello All,
> I am and have been an avid Java programmer. I started learning Perl about
> a month ago as I took up a new role in QA automation. I have gone through
> the 'Learning Perl' Llama book by OReilly and did quite a few scripts in
> office. I love Perl and love the fact how it is totally different than Java.
> The question now is, do I straightaway jump into the 'Intermediate Perl'
> book or should I try my hand at a few other scripts before I do that? If I
> do need to try more programs, could somebody recommend a website or a
> portal where such problem statements might be provided?  Also, is there any
> book or website dedicated to any Perl design methodologies?
> Any other skill building advice for a beginner related to Perl is welcome.
> Thank you.
> *Regards*
> Manpreet Singh

Andrew Solomon

Mentor@Geekuni http://geekuni.com/

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